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Some people advise, perhaps overadvise, that sensitive people may have an allergic reaction to this. I don’t take chamomile daily, but almost daily I ingest a whole lot of peanuts, which are more dangerous, anaphylactically killing two people a year in the U.S. Patients who are allergic to ragweed, however, may experience cross-reactivity with chamomile, which can produce intense itching in the mouth if the mucosa becomes highly irritated (O’Brien, 1998).

CAN cautions that the sesquiterpene lactones can cause allergic reactions. They add that cross-sensitivities with other aster relatives (WAM) and celery exist. Because it is reputed to affect the menstrual cycle and to be a uterine stimulant, with excessive use, its use in pregnancy and lactation is to be avoided (CAN). But SKY says no contraindications during pregnancy or lactation (SKY).

Not recommended for teething babies. Because of coumarin content, may interfere with anticoagulant therapy (CAN). Highly concentrated hot tea is reportedly emetic. Some advise against daily use, but I would not. Keep all hot teas at a distance from the eyes (AHP). Oral administration of chamomile extract induced a deep sleep in 10 of 12 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization (CAN).

Reported as an effective treatment for mucosal infections. Diluted extracts used as a mouthwash 5 to 6 times daily provided astringent and cooling effects (CAN). Chamomile preparations and their components worked on the inflammatory mediators of the arachidonic acid cascade; they inhibit cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase.

Chamomile is so far my best source of COX-2 inhibitor apigenin (to 0.8% ZMB) followed by celery (to 0.2%), making celery stalks the best food farmacy source (COX). Extracts (Chamomile) — Chamomile oils analgesic, antianaphylactic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, and fungicidal (PED). Azulenes, documented as aniinflammatory and hypoallergenic, may prevent allergic seizures in guinea pigs, perhaps through antihistaminic activity. EO LD50 = >5000 orl rabbit (CAN); LD50 = >5000 der rabbit (CAN); LD50 = 2.5 ml/kg orl mouse (CAN).

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High molecular weight polysaccharides are immunostimulant; choleretic, hypouremic, and hypocholesterolemic at 0.1 ml/kg in cats and dogs, cardiodepressant, hypotensive, and respiradepressant at 0.2 ml/kg (CAN). Bisabolol and flavonoids are responsible for antispasmodic based on fresh flowers equaled antiinflammatory activity of benzydamine (MAB).
